A Partial List of My Early Writings

  1. Kant’s ethical theory. Unpublished article. 1973
  2. Augustine’s theory of illumination. Unpublished article. 1975
  3. The apologetics of Gordon H. Clark. Unpublished essay/critique. 1975
  4. Van Til’s presuppositionalism: Effectiveness and sensitivity. Unpublished essay. 1976
  5. La Apologética: El debate entre evangélicos. Unpublished essay. 1976
  6. Biblical doctrine of Scripture. Unpublished essay. 1977
  7. Acts 1:16-22. Unpublished academic study. 1979
  8. Para hacer el punto: Cómo desarrollar un punto del sermón Unpublished mini-course. 1984
  9. El sermón: La proposición. Unpublished mini-course. 1984
  10. El sermón: La oración transicional. Unpublished mini-course. 1984
  11. La importancia de la evangelización. Unpublished article. 1987
  12. Una pauta sencilla para evangleizar. Unpublished article. 1987
  13. La oración. Unpublished study. 1987
  14. La comunión y el matrimonio: Tres principios bíblicos. Unpublished article. 1987
  15. La importancia de la comunión. Unpublished article. 1987
  16. El diezmo. Unpublished study. 1987
  17. La mayordomía de las posesiones materiales. Unpublished study. 1987
  18. La naturaleza de la adoración. Unpublished meditation. 1987
  19. La importancia de la adoración. Unpublished meditation. 1987
  20. El servicio, la compasión y el poder. Unpublished meditation. 1987
  21. La naturaleza del servicio. Unpublished meditation. 1987
  22. La importancia del servicio. Unpublished meditation. 1987
  23. The city: The eschatological garden. Urban Mission. Volume 5 Number 4. 1988.
  24. El trabajo y el reposo en el reino de Dios: Fundamentos bíblicos para una cosmovisión cristiana. Unpublished course/study. 1988
  25. Lo que creemos 1: Algunas creencias que compartimos con otras iglesias evangélicas. Unpublished course. 1988
  26. Lo que creemos 2: Algunas creencias que nos distinguen de otras iglesias evangélicas. Unpublished course. 1988
  27. La doctrina de Dios. Unpublished course. 1988.
  28. La soberanía de Dios y tu vida. Unpublished course. 1988
  29. Perspectivas teológicas para entender la palabra de Dios. Unpublished course. 1989
  30. La antropología bíblica. Unpublished course. 1989
  31. La disciplina eclesiástica: Guía de estudio por Gary Waldecker basado en parte en un libro por Jay E. Adams. Unpublished course. 1990
  32. Plotinus: An explanation and short critique. Unpublished essay. 1992
  33. Aristotle: His Influence on the Roman Catholic Church and in Chile Unpublished essay. 1992
  34. Cuando Dios se acerca. Unpublished evangelistic sermon. 1992
  35. Kissing frogs: A Christ-centered look at Matthew 25:31-46. Unpublished essay/sermon. 1993
  36. The Great Adventure: The Lord Sends us Moving. Unpublished essay/sermon. 1993.
  37. What is culture? Unpublished essay. 1993
  38. El temor al ridículo. Unpublished article/sermon. 1993
  39. The fear of being ridiculed. Unpublished article/sermon. 1994
  40. God’s grace in the midst of my mistakes: The history of my first church planting experience. Unpublished article. 1995.
  41. The contextualization of the gospel in Chile. Doctor of Ministry project presented to the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary. 1997
  42. The shadow man: A historical novella set in Chile. Unpublished novella. 1997
  43. Toward a theology of movement: Missiology from a Christ-centered kingdom perspective. Unpublished manuscript. 1997
  44. Summary Version: Toward a theology of movement: Missiology from a Christ-centered kingdom perspective. Unpublished manuscript. 1997
  45. Training that Promotes Movement. Unpublished article. 1997.
  46. The story of God’s mission. Unpublished essays/sermons. 1997
  47. The birth of Laughter: A Christmas message from Genesis. Unpublished article/sermon. 1998
  48. The new heart and the flesh. Unpublished essay. 1989
  49. El modo del bautismo. Unpublished booklet/course. 2000
  50. Covenantal education. Unpublished article. 2001
  51. Toward a theology of preaching Christ. Unpublished article. 2001
  52. A brief statement on contextualization. Unpublished article. 2002
  53. The impact of capitalism on education. Unpublished article. 2002.
  54. Dewey on how democracy and education support one another. Unpublished essay. 2002
  55. Truth and reality: Truth-finding techniques. Unpublished essay. 2002
  56. The mutual influence of identity and growth. Unpublished essay. 2002
  57. The impact of visions on reporters of science. Unpublished essay. 2002
  58. Core values of Mission to the World. Unpublished article. 2002
  59. Authoritative word, powerful deed, and loving presence. Unpublished article. 2002
  60. Of stories and heroes. Unpublished sermon/essay. 2003
  61. De historias y héroes. Unpublished sermon/essay. 2003
  62. Critique of Mission to the World’s ‘Preventing unhealthy dependency overseas.’ Unpublished article. 2003
  63. Church planting movements: Training leaders. Unpublished article. 2003
  64. Church planting movements: Thought patterns. Unpublished article. 2003
  65. Organizational learning project: Exploration of change effort at Mission to the World. Unpublished research. 2003
  66. Flow, river, flow! The centrality of Christ in church planting movements. InVision, August 2004.
  67. In pursuit of a ‘grace-based’ organization. Unpublished article. 2004
  68. Against “flat eschatology.” Unpublished article. 2005
  69. Toward a theology of movement: Selected writings. Unpublished compilation. 2005
  70. Priority systems: A Christ-centered look at personality and culture. Unpublished manuscript. 2005 (final version)
  71. The meaning of the incarnation. Unpublished article. 2005
  72. Two key issues for a theology of mission. Unpublished article. 2005
  73. Quick observations on ‘Making disciples not dependents.’ Unpublished article. 2005
  74. A mission rooted in creation. Unpublished article. 2005
  75. Culture and contextualization. Slide presentation. 2006
  76. Plausibility structures and the Gospel. Unpublished article. 2006
  77. El Camino De La Cruz En Una Cultura Dirigida Por El Éxito. Unpublished article. 2006
  78. On the nature of a missional church. Unpublished essay. 2006
  79. Dependency in missions. Unpublished article. 2006
  80. Review of Pete Scazzero’s “The emotionally healthy church”. Unpublished manuscript. 2006
  81. The need for explicit Christ-centered communication Unpublished article. 2006
  82. La centralidad de Cristo: ¿Qué es esto? Unpublished article. 2006
  83. Quick response to “Mission structures and management principles for the 21st century” (by Ed Walker). Unpublished essay. 2006
  84. The Scent of Jesus. Unpublished essay/sermon. 2006.
  85. Organizational change at Mission to the World. Unpublished essay. 2007
  86. Investing as a way of doing mission: An alternative to the efficiency model. Unpublished essay. 2007
  87. La inversión como forma de involucrarse en la misión de Dios: Una alternativa para el modelo de eficiencia. Unpublished essay. 2007
  88. Covenantal training. Video presentation. 2007
  89. Entrenamiento de pacto. Video presentation. 2007
  90. Christ-centered contextualization. Video presentation. 2007
  91. La contextualización Cristo-céntrica. Video presentation. 2007
  92. A radical proposal for training pastors. Unpublished article. 2007
  93. The locus of astonishment: Implications for missions conferences. Unpublished article. 2007
  94. Collective priority systems: Changing an organizational culture. Unpublished essay. 2007.
  95. Contextualization in ministry: A Christ-centered perspective. Unpublished presentation. 2007
  96. Working against ourselves: The hidden effects of organizational realities on ministry. Unpublished essay. 2007
  97. Preaching Christ–always. Unpublished essay. 2007
  98. Predicando a Cristo–siempre. Unpublished essay. 2007
  99. The Christian art of talking to yourself. Unpublished article/sermon. 2007
  100. I Already Have My Square!: The Relationship between Missionaries and “Nationals” in Mission Strategy. Unpublished essay. 2007
  101. Interruptions and the Mission. Unpublished article. 2008.
  102. The contextualization of the Gospel. Unpublished article. 2008
  103. Diary of an introverted child of the covenant: Entries from December 1975 – April 1976. Unpublished diary. 2008
  104. The sweetspot of church planting: The view from 30,000 feet. Unpublished article. 2008
  105. Humility: A cultural blind spot. Unpublished article. 2008
  106. Mobilization: What is it? Unpublished article. 2008
  107. Evaluation of the novel “The shack.” Unpublished critique. 2008
  108. The Wonder of it All: Accomplishing the Mission through a Laugh of Joy. Unpublished article. 2008.
  109. The power of faith in Christ: Putting our faith to work. Unpublished article. April 2008.
  110. Dependency in mission: A theological perspective. Unpublished article. July 2009.
  111. Organizational Learning: Becoming a learning organization. Unpublished article. August 2009.
  112. Longings of the Heart: A theology of creational desire. Unpublished tract. 1994. Updated March 2010.
  113. God’s “Secret” Weapon: Christ the Head and We the Body. Unpublished article. 2010.
  114. Bold Humility: As We Wait. Unpublished article. 2010.
  115. Putting “Missional” in its Place. Unpublished article. 2010.
  116. Organizational Learning from Cross-cultural experiences: An Ethnomethodological Case Study Examining the Relative Importance of Social Structure and Cultural Values During Dynamic Interaction. A doctoral dissertation submitted to the faculty of The Graduate School of Education and Human Development of The George Washington University. 2010.

Some of these writings—and around 800 others—can be found on my website: On the Mission of the Church.
It is currently password protected. For access, send me an email (see third rail of fence in header above).

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