Many books on prayer focus on one’s relationship with God. That’s certainly a legitimate emphasis. This book highlights the relationship between prayer and the mission of the church. Jesus told us to pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God: “Thy Kingdom Come.” Of course, we should also pray for health needs, for those who need a job, or who have other material needs. But requests of this nature should be conditioned by the main things: God’s name being honored as set apart and the coming of his kingdom. This book is about how to pray as kingdom agents of king Jesus.

Prayer is a key link between this stage of the kingdom and further stages–including the final stage at the second coming of Christ. Here are the chapters:

  1. Pray for the Kingdom
  2. Pray as Kingdom Agents
  3. Pray as an Adventurer
  4. Pray as a Warrior
  5. Pray with Audacity
  6. Pray with Boldness
  7. Pray with Humility
  8. Pray Earnestly
  9. Pray in Ministry
  10. Pray Together
  11. Pray with Your Spouse
  12. Pray with Expectancy

There are also 7 appendixes as follows:

  • A. Prayer Meetings
  • B. Growing Your Faith
  • C. The Use of Logic in Interpretation
  • D. Why Christians Suffer
  • E. The Rebound Movement and the Way of the Cross
  • F. Triumphalism and Triumph
  • G. Toward a Theology of Sleep and Night

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